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Do These 3 Things to Prepare Your Lawn for Overseeding
Lawn Aeration, overseeding

Do These 3 Things to Prepare Your Lawn for Overseeding

Thursday, December 14, 2023

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Do These 3 Things to Prepare Your Lawn for Overseeding

Overseeding is a great way to fill in bare and patchy areas on your lawn while also increasing its overall density, but it won't be as successful if you don't prepare your turf properly. To help ensure success, there are 3 things that you should do before overseeding your lawn in Pennsylvania. First, you should mow your grass shorter than usual so the seeds will have better seed-to-soil contact. Next, you should remove debris from your lawn such as sticks, rocks, and leaves because they can block the seeds from reaching your lawn or germinating and growing. Lastly, you should schedule an aeration service before overseeding to make sure the seeds have optimal access to the soil, as well as the resources they need to grow healthy and strong.

1. Mow your grass shorter than usual before overseeding.

Before overseeding your lawn, you'll want to mow your grass shorter than usual. This is important because tall blades of grass could possibly block the seeds from reaching the soil. Additionally, by mowing your lawn shorter than usual, the seeds will have better access to the soil, giving them a better chance of germinating successfully and growing into strong, healthy blades of grass!

Fescue seeds and Kentucky bluegrass seeds are the ideal seed types to use when overseeding lawns in Pennsylvania because they thrive in this area.

2. Remove debris from your lawn before overseeding.

Another thing you need to do before overseeding your lawn is to remove any debris like sticks, rocks, and leaves. Debris is detrimental to the growth of new grass seeds because it can block them from reaching the soil. If the seeds cannot reach the soil, then they will not have the chance to germinate and grow into lush, green grass. By removing debris from your lawn, you are ensuring these foreign objects do not prevent the seeds from establishing strong roots. This step will increase the chances of overseeding success.

3. Schedule an aeration service before overseeding.

To ensure the best possible results during overseeding, you should schedule an aeration service right before. Aeration involves pulling up plugs of soil to loosen compaction and reduce thatch on the lawn. When you overseed directly after aeration, the seeds will fall into the holes created during the process, giving them excellent seed-to-soil contact. This allows the seeds to receive the nutrients and resources they need to germinate successfully and establish deep roots in the soil. With improved access to nutrients and water, the chances of successful overseeding increase drastically! What's more, when the seeds fall into the holes created during the aeration process, they will be less likely to be eaten by animals or blown away by the wind!

New lawns can benefit from overseeding twice per year, while established lawns typically just need to be overseed on a bi-annual basis.

Give us a call today to sign up for our overseeding service!

If your lawn has bare or patchy areas, overseeding is a great way to bring back its full beauty. Here at Lehigh Valley Lawn, we offer our professional overseeding service to help you get the dense, lush lawn of your dreams! We also offer an aeration service that we recommend scheduling before we overseed your lawn to give the seeds optimal access to the soil! We offer this service to commercial and residential property owners, as well as HOAs, in Macungie, East Greenville, Fogelsville, PA, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at (484) 547-8246 to schedule our overseeding and core aeration services! We look forward to helping you get the beautiful lawn that you deserve!

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