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Have Chinch Bugs Infested Your Lawn? Here’s What You Should Do!
Chinch Bugs, Pest Control

Have Chinch Bugs Infested Your Lawn? Here’s What You Should Do!

Friday, April 28, 2023

(484) 547-8246 Get Quote

Have Chinch Bugs Infested Your Lawn? Here’s What You Should Do!

If your lawn is filled with large, irregularly shaped patches of yellow or brown grass, it's possible that it is infested with chinch bugs. Chinch bugs are tiny lawn pests that are common in Pennsylvania. They cause damage by sucking juices from your grass and injecting a toxin into them, causing your lawn to become discolored. If you think chinch bugs have infested your turf, the first thing you need to do is schedule a professional lawn insect control treatment to eliminate the chinch bug infestation. Once the infestation has been dealt with, you'll want to schedule lawn care services to help your grass recover from any damage caused by the chinch bugs.

What are chinch bugs and what kind of damage can they cause to your lawn?

Chinch bugs are pests that often infest lawns in Pennsylvania. These lawn insects are tiny and hard to detect, allowing them to fly under the radar while they cause damage to your grass. They grow to be about 1/6 inch long and have hairy, gray-black bodies with white wings that have triangular spots.

These insects have piercing mouthparts, which they use to draw out the sap from the grass blades and inject a toxin into them. This toxin will then disrupt the water movement within the grass blades, causing your lawn to become discolored. A common sign that your lawn fell victim to chinch bugs is when you notice irregularly shaped patches of yellow or brown grass. When your lawn is severely infested with chinch bugs, these pests can kill large parts of your turf.

Chinch bug damage is often mistaken as drought damage since the symptoms look very similar.

Schedule Professional Treatments To Get Rid of Chinch Bugs

If you suspect your lawn is infested with chinch bugs, you'll want to take action immediately. You need to schedule professional lawn insect control treatments to get rid of these invasive pests. A good lawn care company will use effective curative treatments to stop them in their tracks before they can wreak more havoc on your turf.

Help your lawn recover from chinch bug damage by scheduling lawn care services.

Curative treatments against chinch bugs will only eliminate the infestation and stop these pests from causing more harm to your grass, they won't undo any damage that chinch bugs have already inflicted on your lawn. Fortunately, you can schedule these lawn care services to help your grass recover from any damage it suffered:

  • Lawn Fertilization: Fertilizing your lawn will boost the health of your grass and allow it to rebuild its strength after suffering from a chinch bug infestation.
  • Aeration: Scheduling an aeration service will help the roots of your grass get better access to much-needed nutrients, water, air, and sunlight, which are crucial resources to nursing your lawn back to tip-top health.
  • Overseeding: Overseeding your lawn will promote new growth to fill bare or patchy areas that were caused as a result of chinch bug damage.

Kick chinch bugs to the curb with our lawn insect control service. Call us today to schedule!

If your lawn is showing signs of a chinch bug infestation, you've come to the right place. Our team at Lehigh Valley Lawn offers a highly effective lawn insect control service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Macungie, East Greenville, Fogelsville, and surrounding areas in Pennsylvania. When you sign up for this service, we will apply a highly effective treatment to eradicate the chinch bug infestation in your lawn. Call us today at (484) 547-8246 to schedule this service and let us kick these lawn pests to the curb!

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