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Got Lawn Damage? Try Core Aeration & Overseeding
Aeration, Lawn Care, overseeding

Got Lawn Damage? Try Core Aeration & Overseeding

Friday, October 01, 2021

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Got Lawn Damage? Try Core Aeration & Overseeding

A brown and patchy lawn is an eyesore for every homeowner. There are several reasons for it, like aggressive lawn insects, soil compaction, drought, and more. If you want to revitalize your damaged lawn, your first step should be identifying what caused it before focusing on fixing the damage that has been done. Core aeration can help you do that since it involves perforating the ground to let essential nutrients enter, strengthening your grass roots. After this, overseeding will help you grow thicker grass that is stronger and more resilient. Continue reading to learn more about how these lawn care practices can effectively bring your lawn back to its former glory.

Core Aeration Lets Your Soil Breathe

Two core aeration machines parked on a freshly aerated lawn near Trexlertown, PA.

When reviving your damaged lawn, you must begin the rejuvenation process with the soil where roots get essential nutrients. While there are several reasons behind your turf's damage, letting the soil "breathe" can help nurse your turf back to health. Core aeration does that by allowing air, nutrients, water, and sunlight to enter the soil. This process involves poking tiny holes in the ground using a lawn aerator machine to relieve compaction and loosen the soil.

Core aeration allows your lawn to access and absorb essential nutrients so that it can thrive again. The timing of aeration is also critical because it will dictate whether the aeration is effective or not. Aerating cool-season grasses in Pennsylvania should be done in the fall when the grass is at its peak growing point. When you aerate your lawn in another season, you risk damaging the grass more because it won't heal well from being perforated.

Core aeration renders fertilizer treatments more effective since the soil holds nutrients better.

Overseeding promotes fuller and more vibrant grass growth.

Lawn care professional sowing grass seeds on a lawn near Allentown, PA.

Once your lawn has better access to the nutrients it needs for healthy development, it is time for overseeding. Essentially, overseeding is the process of spreading grass seeds on existing turf. The best time to overseed your cool-season grass is after aeration. Because aeration has churned the soil, grass seeds have better contact with the ground, thus promoting deeper and more vigorous root development.

Overseeding will fill in bare or thin spots on your turf, creating fuller and more vibrant grass that's just drop-dead gorgeous. Since the soil can hold essential resources better to encourage stronger root growth, your turf will have better disease resistance and tolerance to stressful conditions like drought and cold. Additionally, weeds are left much less space to develop with more robust grass filling in your yard. This can only mean fewer weeds and a healthier lawn.

Aeration & Overseeding Bring Your Lawn Back to Life

Aeration and overseeding each have their remarkable benefits, but doing both on your lawn reinforces each service's advantages. We've laid down the top reasons why you should pair aeration and overseeding to bring your turf back to life:

  • Aeration and overseeding promote more robust turf. With aeration giving the roots of your grass better access to nutrients, water, and air, overseeding is more effective in growing resilient grass that can resist diseases better.
  • Both processes encourage stronger root development. The roots of the developing grass seeds can grow deeper and stronger in looser soil that has just been aerated. This vigorous root growth will also enable you to save water since there is better water penetration.
  • It improves your turf's appearance. Who wouldn't want fuller and more verdant grass? Once new shoots emerge from your lawn, you can only expect improved curb appeal.
  • To top it all off, aeration and overseeding give your lawn the boost it needs to endure the winter and roar back to life in the spring.

Our core aeration and overseeding services will revive your damaged lawn. Call us today to schedule!

A damaged lawn can be a homeowner's worst nightmare. Whether pests or an undesirable environment caused the damage, our core aeration and overseeding services can bring your grass back to its vibrancy. Our team at Lehigh Valley Lawn performs these services in the fall when your cool-season grass is at its strongest. We use a professional-grade aerator and an outstanding seed blend so you can welcome thicker and healthier grass. Our services are available to homes and businesses in Macungie, East Greenville, Fogelsville, and surrounding communities in Pennsylvania. Contact us at (484) 547-8246 to get an estimate on our services.

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